The Global Language of Business

GS1 documents and artefacts related to Verifiable Credentials

This is the persistent repository for formal GS1 documents and machine-readable artefacts related to Verifiable Credentials.

GS1 white papers on DIDs and VCs
Verifiable Credentials and Decentralised Identifiers: Technical Landscape (February 2025)
When trust travels with data: Verifiable Credentials and Decentralised Identifiers (July 2022)
GS1 WhitePaper: Verifiable Credentials, EPCIS and end to end traceability (1 April 2022)
Data model
GS1 Verifiable Credentials – White Paper on Data Model and Validations (Archive)
JSON-LD context files
The following links point to the latest version. For use in software, append the version number to the URL to be sure of using an immutable file. See the relevant archive file for details.
Declaration context (archive)
License (licence) context (archive)
'Licence' context before refactor to en-US spelling (archive) (deprecated)
Organization context (archive)
Party context (archive)
Planogram context (archive)
Product context (archive)
Trade item context (archive)
Ontology files
The following links point to the latest version. For use in software, append the version number to the URL to be sure of using an immutable file. See the relevant archive file for details.
Declaration ontology (archive)
License (licence) ontology (archive)
'Licence' ontology before refactor to en-US spelling (archive) (deprecated)
Organization ontology (archive)
Party ontology (archive)
Planogram ontology (archive)
Product ontology (archive)
Trade item ontology (archive)