The Global Language of Business

EPCIS / CBV 2.0.0

Standard specifications

Normative Artefacts

Customised view:

Browsable ontologies

JSON-LD context

epcis-context.jsonldJSON-LD context for EPCISfor conversion of EPCIS data in JSON format to JSON-LD and Linked Data RDF triples

Interface definitions

openapi.jsonRESTful OpenAPI interface for EPCISfor use with RESTful web services
query-schema.jsonJSON Schema validation for EPCIS SimpleEventQuery languagereferenced by openapi.json
epcglobal-epcis-query.wsdlWSDL interface definition for EPCISfor use with web services based on SOAP/WSDL

Validation files for data

Defined by GS1 EPCIS

epcis-json-schema.jsonJSON Schema for EPCISfor validation of EPCIS data in JSON/JSON-LD format
epcis-shacl.ttlSHACL for EPCISfor validation of EPCIS data in JSON-LD format
epcglobal-epcis-2_0.xsdXSD for EPCISDocumentfor validation of EPCISDocument data in XML format
epcglobal-epcis-query-2_0.xsdXSD for EPCISQueryDocumentfor validation of EPCISQueryDocument data in XML format
epcglobal-epcis-masterdata-2_0.xsdXSD for EPCISMasterDataDocumentfor validation of EPCISMasterDataDocument data in XML format
epcglobal.xsdXSD for GS1 EPCglobal XML documents

Standard Business Document Header (SBDH) schema, referenced by GS1 EPCIS (XML format only)

StandardBusinessDocumentHeader.xsdTop-level SBDH schema

Linked Data ontology files

epcis-ontology.jsonldEPCIS Ontology in JSON-LD formatLinked data definitions of EPCIS terms (classes, properties)
epcis-ontology.ttlEPCIS Ontology in RDF Turtle formatLinked data definitions of EPCIS terms (classes, properties)
cbv-ontology.jsonldCBV Ontology in JSON-LD formatLinked data definitions of CBV terms (code lists, code values)
cbv-ontology.ttlCBV Ontology in RDF Turtle formatLinked data definitions of CBV terms (code lists, code values)