Simple demo page for UnitConverterUNECERec20

This page makes use of the UnitConverterUNECERec20 JavaScript library at

The library provides methods for converting between units of measure expressed using UN ECE Recommentation 20 unit codes.

It has been developed to enable easier querying and interpretation of sensor data and other quantitative data expressed using UN ECE Recommendation 20 unit codes.

Currently the tool supports a total of {{unitsData.length}} units and {{Object.keys(properties).length}} physical properties - see below for further details.

convert() method

The convert method converts a unit code and numeric value into an equivalent value for a specified target unit code


relatedUnits() method

The relatedUnits method returns a list of all related units for the same physical property (e.g. all related temperature units)

relatedUnits("")Result: {{JSON.stringify(relatedUnits)}}

multiconvert() method

The multiconvert method converts a unit code and numeric value into equivalent values for all related units of the same physical property (e.g. all related temperature units)

Result: {{JSON.stringify(multiconvertresults)}}

Supported properties

{{property.type}}{{property[selectCodeNameOrSymbol].join(" , ")}}

Data table